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ESC of Northeast Ohio Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy explains how the Educational Service Center of Northeast Ohio (hereinafter referred to as “ESCNEO”) collects, uses, and protects information that it obtains from you via the internet, telephone, email, text messages, facsimile, regular mail, and other means.  By using ESCNEO’s Sites (defined below), you accept and agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.  Please read this Privacy Policy carefully before you use ESCNEO’s Sites.



“ESCNEO” means the Educational Service Center of Northeast Ohio and its governing board, governing board members, employees, agents, contractors, and partners.

“Local Schools” means schools that contract with ESCNEO for School Programs.

“Non-Personal Information” (hereinafter referred to as “Non-PI”) means information that cannot be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate an individual.

“Personal Information” (hereinafter referred to as “PI”) means information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate an individual.

“School Programs” means education programs or services provided by ESCNEO to Local Schools.

“Sites” means all platforms by which ESCNEO: (i) provides information to and/or receives information from any individual or entity; (ii) communicates with any individual or entity; and/or (iii) provides programs or other services to any individual or entity.  “Sites” shall include, but not be limited to, ESCNEO’s websites, apps, online programs, and electronic and cellular communications.


Student Records and Personal Information


ESCNEO complies with all laws that protect a student’s PI and education records, including but not limited to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (hereinafter referred to as FERPA”) and other applicable state and federal laws.  Other entities may access a student’s PI or education records only if permitted by such laws and they agree to keep the PI or education records confidential when legally required to do so.  ESCNEO does not sell a student’s PI or use a student’s PI to target the student for advertising.  ESCNEO does not illegally create profiles about a student.  If any part of this Privacy Policy conflicts with any law that protects a student’s PI or education records, ESCNEO will comply with the requirement that provides greater protection.

Non-Personal Information


ESCNEO automatically receive Non-PI from your web browser or electronic device connected to the internet.  Such Non-PI includes, but is not limited to, your IP address (the string of numbers that identifies the device), the name of the web page you visited immediately before visiting ESCNEO’s Sites, the page(s) you visit on ESCNEO’s Sites, and how much time you spend on each such pages.   ESCNEO uses Non-PI to monitor and improve its Sites and to study internet traffic trends, administer its Sites, and gather information.  Except for “cookies” as explained below, ESCNEO will not share Non-PI unless: (i) required by law or a court order to do so; (ii) for law enforcement, health, or safety purposes; (iii) for use by a Local School in which a student attends; (iv) for use by other individuals or entities that assist ESCNEO in providing School Programs; or (v) necessary to protect ESCNEO’s legal rights.



When you visit ESCNEO’s Sites, the server creates a piece of text known as a “cookie” to put on your electronic device.  A cookie is unique to your browser and allows the server remember information about your visit to ESCNEO’s Sites.   Cookies do not collect PI.

ESCNEO uses cookies to follow how you use its Sites to adapt web content to your interests.  Cookies may record that you visited ESCNEO’s Sites and the websites you visited immediately before visiting ESCNEO’s Sites.  Cookies can be used to provide relevant information to you on other websites.  ESCNEO may use cookies from other entities to provide relevant information to you.   ESCNEO will not share or sell individual information contained in cookies to any third party, except if required by law or for law enforcement purposes.


You can accept or decline cookies.  Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you are able to change your browser setting to decline cookies.  If you decline cookies, you may not be able to see or use the interactive features of ESCNEO’s Sites and some services on ESCNEO’s Sites may not function the way they should.  You can opt out of the use of third-party cookies for marketing messages on other websites by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance Consumer Choice website and the Network Advertising Initiative Opt Out website and opting out with entities that participate in those choices.  Such websites are: and  Opting out will not prevent you from seeing ads on the internet but rather will only affect ads that use cookies to serve messaging on specific networks.  ESCNEO is not responsible for the activities of third parties.

Personal Information

You can use parts of ESCNEO’s Sites without providing PI.  ESCNEO’s Sites do not collect PI except when the information is given on a voluntary basis (for example, when registering for an ESCNEO School Program; requesting information by contacting ESCNEO; signing up for an ESCNEO in-person event; requesting help; using an online chat; or changing the information on your account with ESCNEO).  When you create an account with ESCNEO or register your child for an ESCNEO School Program, you provide ESCNEO with PI about you and your child.  PI may be collected by ESCNEO on its Sites and by telephone, email, text messages, facsimile, and regular mail.  PI provided by you may include first and last name, mailing address, email address, telephone number, the name and age of your child, the services you request, registration and enrollment information about your child, and other similar information.

To the extent permitted by law, ESCNEO may use and/or share PI: (i) to provide and improve its School Programs and other services to you, your child, and your child’s Local School; (ii) for purposes related to your child’s testing, academic progress, attendance, and other school issues; (iii) if required by law or a court order; (iv) for law enforcement, health, or safety purposes; (v) for customer service or quality control; (vi) to protect ESCNEO’s own legal rights; and (vii) to provide you with information about various services offered by ESCNEO and other individuals or entities.  If other individuals or entities assist ESCNEO in providing School Programs, ESCNEO will provide them with the least amount of PI needed for them to provide ESCNEO with such assistance so long as that have agreed to keep the PI private and safe and to use it only to perform the work they provide for ESCNEO.

Once you have registered your child in an ESCNEO School Program, you and/or your child may be assigned an identification number and password.  The identification number will be used by ESCNEO to recognize you and your child, certain PI pertaining to you and your child, and your child’s education records.   The identification number will also allow you to track your child’s attendance, schoolwork, and testing, and to submit such information to ESCNEO and to your child’s Local School to follow your child’s progress and to comply with law.

Message Boards and Chat Rooms

ESCNEO may have message boards or chat rooms on its Sites.  The information you provide on a message board or in a chat room will be available to all users of that message board or chat room and is not private.  Providing information on a message board or in a chat room is at your own risk.  ESCNEO reserves the right, but not the duty, to monitor message boards and chat rooms and to publish your postings from message boards or chat rooms in other places on the internet or in other formats.

Links to Other Websites

ESCNEO’s Sites may contain links to other websites that ESCNEO provides for your convenience (hereinafter referred to as “Linked Sites”).  Linked Sites are not under ESCNEO’s control, and ESCNEO is not responsible for the content on any Linked Site or the actions of any Linked Site.  ESCNEO has no liability for your access to the Linked Sites, and your access to the Linked Sites is at your own risk.

Data Security

To reduce the risk of unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and secure the correct use of information, ESCNEO uses commercially reasonable physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to protect the information that ESCNEO collects.  However, no security system for data is completely secure.  Therefore, ESCNEO cannot promise that your PI or other information obtained from will not be intercepted by others.

Changes to Privacy Policy

From time to time, ESCNEO may change this Privacy Policy to be consistent with the law and ESCNEO’s practices.  The revised Privacy Policy will be posted on ESCNEO’s website.


This Privacy Policy was last updated on March 17, 2022.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact ESCNEO at [email protected].